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An Open Letter to the Vice Chancellor, Bahaudin Zakriya University Multan


The Vice Chancellor,
Bahaudin Zakriya University, Multan

Date: 18th February 2016

Respected Sir,

We (the voice of thousand students of Govt. Emerson College, Multan) are writing an open letter to express our gratitude for being the lucky ones experiencing the semester system and other awesome experiments.

We were watching The Discovery Channel the other day and saw a scientist experimenting with a rat. We somehow ignored the imagination that came to our mind.

First of all, we congratulate you for taking charge of BZU Multan as vice chancellor. It was a proud moment for us and an honor for you. Ironically, our constitution was implemented on the same date.

You have revolutionized the education system completely. There have been a lot of interestingly uncommon and unusual steps taken by you in a very short span of time. We wonder why people greet Rajnikant as the only different piece. For us, Sir, you are the one who can create Japan in one day (if given a chance).

Let us start with the semester system. The system looked very good for us. We thought that the pressure will be comparatively lesser as it was in the annual mode but this bouncer seems easy to watch and tough to play. We don’t know how we got through the first year but we got pretty good marks. I just hope if we could remember anything we gained from it apart from percentage. But we all are concerned about the marks only and Sir, you have been very kind in providing us with that. When we reached second year, our marks decreased a lot. When we reached third year, we got a backlog which we are supposed to clear next year as there is no provision of supplementary exams in mid-sem break. Hence, one year wasted (for few of us).

A semester that comprised of five months, gave us syllabus after two months and while we thought that our semesters have started, we saw the datesheet and before recovering, we saw the question paper. Sir, instead of delaying the syllabus and reading list, delaying the speed of date sheet release would have been little better.

We got no flexibility to plan and work on extra-curricular activities but we do not care until you gift us those high sky-crappers in our mark-sheet.

Keeping aside the sarcasm Dr. Amin Tahir, what we all want to appeal is that your ideas and thoughts are very innovative but they should be presented in a better way by proper planning and organization. Giving your innovations a thought and engineering it in a way to gain mass acceptance might be a better idea instead of implementing it rapidly.

You have introduced new scheme for BS examinations according to which sessional marks will be 10 and final term paper will contain 60 marks, which is unaccommodating for students. We request you to not apply this rule for those students who are in final term of semester as we are not mentally and emotionally prepare for this.

You are our saviour, Sir. You have the power to re-construct the things or extract all the negatives and solve our problem. We as students and as teachers are very uncomfortable with the current system and there is no other person who can save us than The Prof. Dr. Tahir Amin.

We only have ‘hopes’ left with us and we hope you will take this sarcastic appeal in a positive manner.

Sincerely yours,

Govt. Emerson College, Bosan Road, Multan

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