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HEC Pakistan Scholarship Aptitude Test to Draw Merit List for the Award of HEC Scholarships , Test Pattern and Centers Information

HEC Pakistan Scholarship Aptitude Test to Draw Merit List for the Award of HEC Scholarships , Test Pattern and Centers Information

Higher Education Commission (HEC), since its inception, is vigorously making its efforts to facilitate the capable youth of Pakistan by providing them the opportunity of Higher Education in their respective fields in well reputed universities within Pakistan and abroad.

As per directives of HEC authorities, the matter was considered for conduction of aptitude test for entire HEC scholarship schemes and programs. For this purpose, after a prolonged and intellectual discussions made by a competent focused professional group who are experts in their fields have proposed that HEC may established its own proper testing system in this regard.

Therefore, HEC has taken an initiative to take the aptitude test from its prospective applicants itself to ensure the transparency as per its tradition. It is also a cost effective solution for the candidates applying for scholarship schemes.

About Test:

The test will be conducted in following four (4) categories based on relevant disciplines as mentioned by the applicants in their online application forms.

Test Category
Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Reasoning
Analytical Reasoning
Engineering & Technology
Business Education
Art & Humanities, Social Sciences
Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences, Biological & Medical Sciences,
Physical Sciences

  • The proportion of sections has been distributed as per test category mentioned above.
  • Test will be comprises of 100 Questions to be attempted in Two (2) hours.
  • The question papers will be distributed randomize sequences having 5 different colours sheets.
  • The answer sheet will be printed optical mark recognition (OMR) format.
  • Answer sheet contains five circles containing five options of answer for one question, containing alphabets from A to E inside, against each question number. The candidate has to completely shade / fill one circle that he / she thinks is correct. No cutting or filling two answer in a row are allowed.
  • Test has been designed for 16 year Qualification whereas the difficulty level will be set as moderate considering the participants from all province however merit list will be finalized as per applicant’s category.



Ø  The applicants who would be called for the test will be required to meet the eligibility criteria already published in advertisement and at our website. Appearing in the test is not the guarantee for the shortlisting for the scholarship. Application scrutiny will be made after scholarship test result.
Ø  Please note that only those applicants will be called for test who have fulfilled complete requirement of submitting online and hard copy of application. Those who have not applied through online process within provided deadline even they had sent their application via courier will not be entertained in any case.
Ø  Please bring Original CNIC along with Roll number slip 1 hour before the test.
Ø  Mobile or other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited. A strict action will be taken in case of violation found which can also lead to cancellation of test as well.
Ø  Result will be prepared by HEC and will be uploaded after verification with the applicant’s data base on HEC website. No telephonically /email response will be made with reference to test result.
Ø  The test result will remain valid for "TWO YEARS" and is valid for entire HEC scholarship schemes.
Ø  Please bring Original CNIC along with Roll number slip 1 hour before the test.
Ø  No candidate will be admitted in the test center after specified time.
Ø  Candidates will have to produce their roll number slips at the entry point of the test center. In case the candidate has not received the roll number slip, contact center well before time along with evidence of applying for the scholarship.
Ø  Without the roll number slip no candidate will be entertained for the test.


Test must be comprises of following three sections:

·        Verbal Reasoning
·         Quantitative Reasoning
·         Analytical Reasoning

  • Ø  The proportion of sections has been distributed as per test category.
  • Ø  Test will be comprises of 100 Questions to be attempted in Two and a half (2.5) hours.
  • Ø  The question papers will be distributed randomize sequences having 5 different colours sheets.
  • Ø  The answer sheet will be printed optical mark recognition (OMR) format.
  • Ø  Test has been designed for 16 year Qualification whereas the difficulty level will be set as moderate considering the participants from all province however merit list will be finalized as per applicant’s category.
  • Ø  Question booklets will be in five different shuffles.
  • Ø  Each question booklet will be sealed and opened by the candidates at the start of test.
  • Ø  Do not break the seal till the test starts.
  • Ø  No candidate will be allowed to leave the seat during the test except for an un-avoidable reason e.g. toilet usage, that to in the escort of an invigilator.
  • Ø  All papers will be collected at the end of test and no candidate will be allowed to move from the seat till the final count after the collection of the paper.
  • Ø  Do not bring calculators, mobile phones and wrist watches with calculator in the test center.



The answer sheet will be printed optical mark recognition (OMR) format to write answers of the listed questions. Use only ball pen (black / blue) to shade / fill the circles properly. Please bring pen, clip board with you.(bring pen / clip board with you, erasing materials are not allowed.). For example the candidate feels that the correct answer of the given question is 'A', then he / she may shade / fill the circle containing alphabet 'A' with ball pen like this:

  • HEC will mark ZERO if shading / filling of two answers against single question is found.
  • It is instructed do not write anything or do cutting on answer sheet that will result distraction of readability and will be mark zero.
  • Do not bring any other stationary item including rough / extra sheets as two blank sheets for rough work are placed inside the question booklet.
  • It is instructed to write NAME, allotted ROLL NUMBER and SIGN on the front title of question booklet before attempting the questions. It is not allowed to write any other thing which is not stated on question booklet.
  • The questions booklet will be taken back after the test is over, so do not attempt to tear or remove any page from question booklet. No one is allowed to keep any part of it.
  • The invigilation staff will not be allowed to answer about the content of questions. Therefore, no need to get guidance from them.
  • Signature on Attendance sheet is mandatory in any case. It is also required to handover the roll number slip to invigilators
  • HEC reserve the right to cancel the test and carry out legal action if there is any misrepresentation or violence is found. HEC can cancel any paper at any stage if the activities of the candidate are found against the discipline.

HEC Pakistan Scholarship Aptitude Test to Draw Merit List for the Award of HEC Scholarships , Test Pattern and Centers Information

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Jillur Rahman

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