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Pak-USAID Merit and Needs Based Scholarship

Pak-USAID Merit and Needs Based Scholarship

Pak-USAID Merit and Needs Based Scholarship Program:

Pak-USAID Merit and Needs Based Scholarship


The Pak-USAID Merit and Needs based Scholarship Program Phase-II are focused on providing opportunities for access to higher education especially to under privileged candidates who, despite possessing academic merit, are unable to finance their education. The scholarship is not restricted to tuition only, but extends to accommodation and living expenses.
The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) has approved the program at a total cost of Rs. 2,954.808 million in its meeting held on 6th September 2013. The Project is funded by Government of United States of America as Grant in Aid.
The Phase-I of the program was initiated in 2004 at eleven (11) universities with scope of 1807 scholarships. It is the pride of the program that all the scholarships are awarded, 94 percent of the scholarship recipients had graduated in the semester they expected to graduate.


1. To enable the academically qualified, yet financially needy, Pakistani students to continue university studies in selected private and public universities of Pakistan in the fields of Agriculture, Medical, Business, Social Science and Engineering
2. To enhance the institutional capacity of the Higher Education Commission of the Government of Pakistan and local public and private sector universities in designing and implementing MNBSP Phase II


1.  The applicant must be a Pakistani/AJK National
2.   Financial assistance & scholarships are available for study at undergraduate & graduate level in the prescribed disciplines at the selected 29 Pakistani universities and degree awarding institutions
a. Agricultural & Veterinary Sciences
b. Business Administration
c. Social Sciences
d. Engineering & Tech.
e. Medical
1. Agricultural (incl. Veterinary Sciences and Bio Technology)
2. Social Sciences includes (Peace &Conflict Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Linguistics, Law, Communication and Media studies, International Relations, and Psychology)
3. 50% Female Seats: Women’s participation in the education sector is very low. This activity will ensure that at least 50% of the awarded scholarships go to women, especially those coming from remote and vulnerable areas of Pakistan, who are financially needy, and meet admission criteria of the selected 29 partner universities
4.  Students need to compete for securing admission in the approved discipline at the participating institution as per admission policy of the institution and be enrolled in Undergraduate (4 and 5) and Graduate (2 Years and 3.5 years) programs
5.  Only those students who are enrolled in first semester/ professional year in the respective courses offered by the participating institutions are eligible to apply
6.  The eligibility of a candidate is linked to neediness of the candidate as determined & assessed by the financial background of his/her family


The deserving students can obtain complete Scholarship Application Form from the Financial Aid Office (FAO) at the participating University/Institution or can be downloaded.
The Scholarship Form will be submitted along with supporting documents to the same FAO office after completion.
Students need to get admission in any one of the approved disciplines (Agriculture & Veterinary sciences, Business Administration, Social Sciences, Engineering, Tech and Medical) at the participating Universities/Institutions as per their admission criteria.
Please note that partial scholarship for already enrolled students is not covered under this program.


Comprehensive scholarship offered under this program provides funds for the following expenses:
  •   Tuition Fee
  •   Lodging
  •   Transportation
  •   Books
  •   Other Academics Costs
Students at both private & public sector institutes have found the scholarship extremely helpful in sustaining their educational expenses

Scholarship Application Form

Pak-USAID Merit and Needs Based Scholarship

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