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"16 years of education for CSS exams to be obligatory from 2017" said Ahsan Iqbal

Federal Minister for the Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal yesterday has 

said that 16 years of education will be made compulsory from 2017.

CSS Exams Eligibility, CSS Exams Criteria, CSS Exams Requirmnets

Federal Minister for the Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal yesterday has said that 16 years of education will be made compulsory from 2017 for the candidates to appear in CSS competitive exams to pledgee the professionals as well as to enhance the structure of civil services.

The age limit for the applicants of CSS exams will also be increased by 2 years. He said this while conversing to the media after the end of 2nd Pakistan Governance Forum organized by Planning Commission in association along with the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).

Moreover, Ahsan Iqbal said that an exchange programme is going to be revealed for the capacity-building of the civil retainers, whereas the governance structure of the state will be mended. The minister said that because of the good governance of the government, law and order as well, energy and economic gauges have amended in 2015 as compared to the year 2013.

The Civil Service Reform group suggested that the preferment has to be made based on integrity, competence, performance, public service, vision, leadership as well as the team construction. They moreover suggested that recompense should appropriate along with the level of responsibility, whereas the selection on able posts through competitive procedure for a fixed contract.

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Jillur Rahman

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